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Welcome to Homeschooling S.O.S

Updated: Jan 23, 2021

Welcome to the Homeschooling S.O.S family! Whether you are a mother, father, nanny, teacher, child, adolescent... I hope you find all the answers you are looking for on this site :)

Hello everyone!

Home school? homeschooling?... Let's talk a little bit about that.

Due to the current coronavirus pandemic, many families around the world have been forced to adopt a homeschooling curriculum so that their children could continue their academic formation in a safe environment. If you are one of these families, I SEE YOU and I am here FOR YOU. This virus has dramatically changed the lives we once knew and especially our education landscape. From community-based schools, to independent homes; from face-to-face teaching, to the dreaded Zoom classes, and well...don't even get me started on the homework! You get it, the list goes on and on, but don't worry, I won't bother you with the details.

Instead, let's try and focus on the positives shall we? The truth is that right now, despite everything that's going on in the world, you are been given a golden opportunity: to tailor your kids' education to their needs. Every family has now the freedom to choose when, where, how and with whom to their child should study. The classes and study periods can be as entertaining or as boring as you allow them to be. And there is no longer a limit to your children's curiosity. Of course, there are certain regulations that must be followed, but still, you and your kids have now more control than ever before. Let's make the most out of it!

Are you a survivor or a thriver?

Considering the above, I want to as you a question: Are you simply hoping to survive through this period, or do you wish to thrive? If you answered 'THRIVE' then: CONGRATULATIONS! You and your family are about to embark on one of the most memorable adventures and Homeschooling S.O.S will be here to guide every step of the way.

Homeschooling S.O.S will provide you with a realm of resources, to help all of you design the education system that will fit better your interests. Whether you are looking for practical information, top tips, creative activities (and the complementary freebies ofc)...or rather, more individualised programmes and 1:1 support, Homeschooling S.O.S will have everything to cater all your desires.

So, without further ado...let's explore what the site has to offer!

Welcome to Homeschooling S.O.S!


The Team Home Schooling S.O.S

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