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Let’s talk about organisational skills…

TOP TIPS to help you create a more structured and purposeful life.

Dear mothers and fathers,

It is no doubt that the current situation is a challenging one. Having to juggle homeschooling your kids with your daily activities, whether it is preparing meals, maintaining the house, scheduling extracurricular activities, attending zoom conference meetings, etc. or simply keeping yourselves from climbing up one of your four walls. It is definitely a lot to take in, which is why mastering your organisational skills is THE THING you should ALL be aiming at during this unprecedented time.

Let me tell you why…

Having a planned and organised routine will not only help you make the most out of each and everyday, but it will also fill you up with an incredible sense of control and pride. Learning how to plan, schedule and organise your days, weeks and months, will prepare you for whatever life might have in store for you (hopefully not another pandemic). Not only that, but increasing your overall productivity will have a direct impact on your well-being. Achieving your daily goals, whether big or small, will increase your self-esteem and sense of personal power. You will feel and, finally be, in charge of your life.

Needless to say that, mastering your own organisational skills and leading by example, will encourage your children to look up to you and believe ‘If he/she can do it, then so can I’.

It is time to create your own picture of what’s possible.

So…if you are ready to take on the next step towards greatness, then keep on reading because I have compiled a series of useful tips to guide you on your journey:

1. Prepare in advance.

Plan ahead of time consistently - grab a calendar and plan each month well in advance, perhaps make it an ‘end-of-the-month ritual’ to plan the following month’s activities before they are meant to happen, that way you and your family will be fully prepared for when the time comes. It is time to stop thinking in terms of hours or days and rather focus on weeks and months.

2. Identify all mayor tasks and order them in an hierarchy.

This is no news, dedicate more time to what’s more important and what needs to be completed ASAP, but you have to identify what that is before you can do it.

3. Set reminders.

Our brains can take in a lot of information each day, but there is no need to overload them. If you know that i.e. ‘sending your kids’ final projects’ must be done by the end of the semester, then set reminders one, two or even three weeks before the due date to make sure you are not rushing last minute. This will also save you up from a lot of unnecessary stress.

4. Learn to embrace to-do lists.

There are a only a few things more powerful that the feeling of fulfilment a completed to-do list will give you. And, you can create them per day, per task or even, per night (this is by far my all time favourite). Creating a to-do list the night before will not only will help you clear your head and rest better, but it will also get you sharp and ready the next morning. You won’t have to waste anytime on irrelevant things, instead you will use your time much more effectively.

5. Set daily goals to keep you on top of your game, and…

6. Give yourself small rewards for EVERY goal achieved, and bigger rewards at the end of EVERY productive day . This is key to keep your motivation high, reward yourself for every little achievement and enjoy the process.

7. Reflect and review.

There is always something to be improved, reflect on your struggles, identify a posible solution, and… don’t forget to test it!


So here you have it, 7 TOP TIPS to help you master your own organisational skills and live a more structured and purposeful life.

To help you even more on your journey I have created the ultimate EFFECTIVITY CALENDAR, you can download it here.

What makes this resource so powerful is that it encourages you to focus on establishing your goals (daily, weekly and monthly), increasing your rewards and reflecting on your progress month-by-month. This calendar will help you achieve success one goal at a time.

You know what's best? That it is so easy to use that you can even share it with your kids and make it a fun family activity!

So what are you waiting for?

Take a look at the effectivity calendar and make 2021 your most productive year!

P.S. Yes, I know January is almost up, but guess what? … even the preacher has got some improving to do ;)

Ninibeth Leal Perez

& The Team Home Schooling S.O.S

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